Log Home Products – Chinking, Log Stain and Cabin Caulking

Every log home owner will sooner or later familiarize themselves with the following products: chinking, log caulking and log stains. Owning a home made of logs can be very rewarding but it does take some time and effort to keep your dream home looking the way it looked when you moved into it. The most important thing to remember is to do your homework before applying any material to your logs. Once you begin this process, it becomes difficult to change your direction.

Chinking may be required to seal the joints in your logs or you may choose to use it for aesthetic purposes. Chinking is designed to stand out from your wood which is why it has a heavy texture. The most common colors used are mortar white and buff.

Almost all log homes require caulking. Typically, checks or cracks in your wood that are 1/4” or greater and face upwards should be filled with some type of sealant material. I would recommend a product called Conceal caulking. It is very easy to apply and has just a light amount of texture in order to mimic the grain of your wood. Also, most corners of your home will eventually require log caulking because these areas typically get the most movement.

Log stains vary quite a bit and there are quite a few available. I would recommend choosing a stain that is made for log homes. Typically, these products will weather better and you will have a greater chance of compatibility with your chinking and caulking materials.

It is important to select the right finishing products to protect your logs because they will dictate how well your home will weather. Also, it is important to remember that you typically get what you pay for. Most good log stains, cabin caulkings and log chinking materials will cost more than your average sealant materials but they will save you money in the long run. Finally, check with your log home manufacturer, builder, application contractor and finishing material supplier in regards to the above products. These people should be a good resource for getting the right answers to your difficult questions.

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