New Homes Inspector

This professional has the responsibility of identifying whether new homes have any defects that must be taken care of before it can be sold. The new homes inspector has to be totally aware of the relevant local ordinances, which can include:

• Plumbing and electrical systems
• Frame constructions
• Heating and cooling systems
• Conditions of any other structures such as the garage

In order to work as a new homes inspector you will have to attend a trade school or university to complete the required coursework and then take the licensing exam. Once you have your license you can help homebuyers by assessing the structural soundness and safety of the new home they are considering buying. An inspector of new homes can be self-employed, work for a real estate company, or work as an employee for municipalities. When working for a municipality you would be responsible for investigating new homes for safety, soundness, and quality before the builders can put the homes on the market for sale.

To become a new homes inspector most of the local governments will require that you have between sixty and one hundred twenty hours of classes. In these classes, you will learn how to conduct an inspection of the home’s interior and exterior. You will also learn how to analyze plumbing, roofing, the electrical system, and the skeletal structure of the new home. You will also learn the techniques for inspecting the home’s HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems.

When training to become an inspector of new homes approximately forty to fifty percent of the time will be fieldwork. This is where you would go to a home and analyze its quality. This is done under the supervision of the instructor who is a certified new home inspector. Some governments will not require this hands-on training. Additional training may also include investigating the property for dampness and mold inside the home and the drainage outside. Most governments will require that new inspectors know how to check for any harmful gasses like radon that are accumulating in the ground underneath the home.

It will generally take two years to complete your coursework and then you will pay a fee to take the certification exam to get your license. The exam will cover all that you learn during your classroom work. The tests can have between one hundred forty to two hundred questions and take two to four hours to complete. The license that you will receive is usually good for one or two years after which you have to renew it. Some governments will require you to complete a set number of hours doing actual new homes inspection before you get your license. The hours could be from forty to one hundred hours.

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