Perfect Push Ups – The Best Chest Exercise at Home to Build Your Chest

Never underestimate the raw muscle building power of the push up. Many athletes have built incredible upper bodies with this one simple exercise. Herschel Walker and Bo Jackson both come to mind as athletes with incredible chest and arm development from cranking out hundreds of pushups each day. It is so effective because it is a movement that requires complete core stabilization and raw functional strength to do correctly. US Marines end up doing thousands of push ups in the sand pits of Paris Island during their 13 weeks of training to build their physiques – I spent many days face down in the sand there!

Push Ups to Gain Muscle Fast

The pushup not only works your chest muscles but it also targets the delts and triceps. When done correctly in a plank position you will also be working your abs and obliques for stabilization. By forcing your body to stay perfectly straight during the movement you can actually get a great ab and core workout that is better than doing hundreds of mindless useless crunches. There are so many variations of the push up to give yourself a complete workout.

You can do them with feet elevated on a bench or chair to work different angles and you can even do them with your back arched high doing the push up movement at an angle rather than straight up and down – this is hard to explain without a picture but get yourself into pushup position and then walk your hands up closer to your feet while this raises your butt in the air. Lower yourself down slowly so that your torso moves slightly forward at an angle. You will feel some direct focus on your upper chest and delts giving your chest a more thorough workout.

Proven Muscle Building Exercises

Perfect push ups are the best chest exercise when you don’t belong to a gym. They are also a great finishing movement at the end of a chest workout at the gym as you can completely burn the pecs out to their max at the end of your workout. If you want to know how to gain muscle mass fast then you need to know that it is also necessary to have a workout program that has been used by others and gives consistent results.

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